Assessment is an integral part of students' learning. It shapes and drives students' learning and draws their attention to what is important. Assessment also takes up much of our time in our academic role, ranging from designing assessments, marking and ensuring we comply with quality assurance and enhancement processes. 

In this section of the website, you will find a number of resources to support your assessment and feedback practices across the Coventry University Group. 

There are three sub-sections to explore:

Assessment strategy and policy

Explore here the purpose, values, policies and procedures for assessment and feedback across the CU group.

Assessment journey

Explore here an overview of the different stages and processes involved when designing and implementing assessment as a course team.

Assessment toolkit

Find here a range of support resources and guidance on assessment design, giving feedback and quality assurance/enhancement processes.

Digital assessment

Increasingly students are being assessed through digital mechanisms. Here are some useful resources on this topic:

Please also refer to our Inspera support page and Aula Assessment Guidance (article from Teaching Knowledge Base) for insights on how to engage with these digital assesssment platforms.