Coventry University Framework for Professional Accreditation (CUFPA)

Advance HE Fellowship demonstrates a personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. It provides individuals with recognition of their practice, impact and leadership of teaching and learning and is recognised internationally. Each of the four categories have their own application forms, mapping documentation and guide.  Below are the panel dates for this academic year.  Please note that results will be released in the week following each panel and certificates from Advance HE and feedback on Aula will be available two/three weeks after the Panel. 

CUFPA Panel Dates 2024/2025 (provisional)

  Submission Cut Off Date Panel Dates
  Tuesday 1st October 2024 Tuesday 19th November 2024
  Wednesday 4th December 2024 UKPSF Re-submission Panel Thursday 12th December 2024
  Wednesday 19th February 2025  Tuesday 8th April 2025
  Wednesday 6th May 2025 Tuesday 24th June 2025

The next submission area opens a MONTH before the next Panel. Please note that a 24 extension after the final cut-off date may be given but only in exceptional circumstances. 

Link to Aula OA: AdvanceHE : Applying for Professional Accreditation (Coventry University Group)

Coventry University Group Partners:

Please use Aula Link provided for your institution.

Which category of Fellowship is right for me?

Initially, if you are not sure which category of Fellowship to apply for you may find this link from Advance HE useful. The Fellowship Category Tool has been designed to assist you in selecting the category of Fellowship that is the closest match to your current practice :-

Fellowship Category Tool

What should I do next?

It is recommended that you book on to one of the Advance HE Professional Recognition webinars or workshops.    

You can access the booking system via the following links on each page or access the academic courses and workshops booking system via the Staff Portal. You can login in with your usual University username and password.   Type in 'Advance' to go straight to the appropriate page.

There are regular webinars/workshops for those wishing to apply for Fellowship of Advance HE.  The workshops are:

  • Applying for Advance HE Fellowship (D1 - D3)
  • Applying for Principal Fellowship (D4)
  • Question and Answer webinars - aimed at those working on their application.
  • Review of final draft via email prior to submission.

Putting together a D1-D3 application will be expected to take around four to five dedicated days, once you have collected the relevant information.

Registration for the CUFPA Direct Route Scheme for Professional Accreditation with Advance HE (Aula)

The CUFPA scheme is supported via the Aula platform. Follow the link below to register on the OA: AdvanceHE : Applying for Professional Accreditation. Make sure you use your staff email address and register as a student (Do not register as an educator as you will not be able to submit your application). Once you have registered on the OA: AdvanceHE : Applying for Professional Accreditation you will see it in your Aula list. Make sure you register early, to access supporting materials and avoid missing any deadline.

Link to view page only:

Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in Higher Education (PgCAPHE or PGCAPP) 

If you are on a full-time academic contract and have been teaching in HE (UK or International) for less than five years,  you are required to take the PgCAPHE.  This is a teaching qualification for inexperienced teachers which gives you Advance HE Fellowship on successfully completing the course.

However, If you  are an experienced teacher and hold a teaching qualification such as a PGCE or PgCAP FE then the CUFPA route is the right one for you

Contact Susan Bray if you need initial advice or as you progress through your application. Attending a workshop or webinar is strongly recommended. 

Susan Bray,  Academic Developer (Professi

onal Recognition),

AEPD Admin Team -