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Who are Ofsted?

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They aim to improve lives by raising standards in education and children’s social care. They inspect and regulate thousands of organisations and individuals providing education, training and care and they share what they find by reporting directly to directly to Parliament, parents, carers and commissioners.

Find out more about Ofsted’s responsibilities here

Who do Ofsted regulate?

Ofsted inspect provision that is funded by or through the Education, and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) which is the agency accountable for funding education and skills for children, young people and adults.

Ofsted also inspect Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and thereby provide information to the Secretary of State for Education and to Parliament about the work of ITE providers and the extent to which an acceptable standard of teacher training is being provided.

Coventry University Group delivers courses in the FE and Skills sector such as Apprenticeships, Access to HE, Skills Bootcamps and Education Programmes for young people.  All of which are funded via the ESFA and hence attract regular Ofsted Inspections. 

Our National Institute of Teaching and Education (NITE) also delivers Initial Teacher Education courses and is also inspected regularly by Ofsted.

Summary of the Ofsted Framework

The education inspection framework (EIF) sets out how Ofsted will inspect and what criteria judgments are made against.

Inspectors will make graded judgements on the following areas using a 4-point scale:

  • quality of education
  • behaviour and attitudes
  • personal development
  • leadership and management

The University Group and Ofsted

See our Ofsted reports in the Resource section.

University Resources

Getting Support

The Ofsted Assurance Manager can provide the following services in your area:

  1. Consultation- Advice and guidance about your responsibilities and how to prepare for inspection.   
  2. Health check- a professional discussion to appraise your current Ofsted compliance levels against the EIF.
  3. Mini deep dive- A one day audit involving key stakeholders that assess current compliance levels against the EIF.
  4. Full deep dive- A simulated full Ofsted inspection that audits compliance and quality levels and prepares you and your teams for inspection.

Please contact the Ofsted Assurance Manager, David Burns ad3017@Coventry.ac.uk