In this Assessment Toolkit, you will be guided to explore the stages representing the assessment lifecycle within the Coventry University Group, informed by a pedagogic model driving a holistic approach to assessment design and implementation. Each stage represents a phase in the lifecycle with embedded links introducing the key principles and guidance to inform your practice.  All guidance has been designed with the aim of ensuring an equal experience for all students, allowing them to best evidence their learning gain.

Coventry University Group staff should also ensure that they are familiar with current guidance, as updated on the CU Registry pages. Some of the documents linked to below require an institutional login. 



1|Course Assessment Strategy 

A first step in the assessment design process is in revisiting your Course Specification documentation, and the related Course Assessment strategy (see Point 5). Module descriptors can be accessed in Kuali.

2|Setting and Designing Assessment

When setting assessment tasks, include clear justification of the type and number of assessment points.  Assessment regulations within the Coventry University Group make provision for Core Component, Applied Core Assessment as well as opportunities for Course Based Assessment


Flexibility in choosing assessment types allows for “remote” assessment, as well as being more authentic and inclusive in nature. Careful consideration needs to be given to designing assessment to minimise plagiarism and contract cheatingGroup assessment tasks are important in developing graduate skills, but requires planning to enable a positive experience for students.


Also integral to designing the assessment task is developing the associated assessment criteria and rubrics for the specific task. Guidance has been developed for Undergraduate (levels 4, 5 & 6) and Postgraduate (level 7).






3|Supporting Students’ Assessment Journey

Developing students’ assessment literacy in a timely manner has potential for a positive assessment experience and enables integration between teaching, learning and assessment.  The launch of an assessment task is an ideal time to develop students’ assessment literacy through a range of planned interventions. See video with captions, MS Stream. 


Students often disengage with feedback for many reasons, thus time spend developing their feedback literacy, can in turn contribute to a positive assessment experience. Having a better understanding of the value of feedforward-feedback, and making sense of feedback for enhancement, can contribute positively to a first time pass result.

4|Submitting Assessment

Assessment submission is normally in Aula, via Turnitin.  Understanding how to interpret the Originality index in Turnitin is important for both staff and studentsExtension and deferral requests is part of the reality of student life, knowing how to deal with such situations need to be clearly communicated to students.





5|Marking and giving feedback

Feedback has a short shelf life and should be returned to students as soon as possible as guided by set turnaround times, but can put pressure on the marking of assessed tasks. The method of feedback, will not only have an impact on turnaround times, but also how it is received by students.  Give consideration for feedback that support students in developing their learning strategies, refer to earlier guidance on feedforward-feedback.

6|Moderation and Assessment Boards

Moderation should take place before, during and after, facilitated by calibration meetings within the module team to ensure consistency through standardisation practices.  Find here also guidance on sampling for moderation purposes and preparing for the Exam Board is critical. 


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