We are proud of our diverse student and staff population. You’ll find links on this page to access what equality, diversity and inclusion means, some of our key equality policies, documents and statistical information on our student and staff profiles.

Athena Swan Bronze Award

We have Athena Swan accreditation, which is a higher education accreditation for demonstrating commitment and excellence in gender equality.

Stonewall Diversity Champions

We are a Stonewall Diversity Champion which shows that the University is committed to having a positive attitude towards ensuring and promoting equality for LGBTQ+ staff and students.

Please contact us for any information and support you may need. From how to use terminology that is inclusive, to implementing great ideas in your courses, we can help you to enhance your students’ learning experiences while studying with us. 

Making Your Teaching Inclusive

Learning Differently 

We all learn differently. But do we consider that when we teach? To know more, take a look at this resource. A link to the transcript can be found below. 

Inclusive Teaching