Established in June 2020 to connect colleagues across each campus of the CU Group, participation in a Skills Exchange is now open to all academic staff across Coventry University.

Making use of Microsoft Teams video meetings, and employing experiential learning alongside round table methodology, participation offers an alternative space for collaboration across subject discipline boundaries. Each exchange is facilitated by Tamar MacLellan, Academic Developer, and includes three participants who meet for three 1-hour meetings across a nine-week period. Timings are determined by participants, and each exchange is unique, with content shaped through the skills selected to be shared and those identified to be taken away and made use of. 

Each exchange affords time for social interactions and space for all participants to share an approach to learning, teaching or assessment which they employ within their practice. Whilst listening to peers, participants are encouraged to mute their microphones, and make notes about the idea being shared - reflecting around how this might be made use of within their own subject discipline. The remaining time is allocated to exchanging these responses, and selecting which will be individually or collectively trialled and then re-shared at the subsequent exchange.  

Following a call out in January 2023, a series of Skills Exchanges are currently in progress and expressions of interest are now invited for June 2023.  If you are interested in participating, please complete this Expression of Interest Form by the end of May 2023.