The University Group position on the use of Artificial Intelligence in our teaching, learning and assessment practice is set out in this Staff Guidance article.  This quote captures the essence of the University Group's approach:

We encourage staff to consider how we adapt our teaching, learning, and assessment to make the most of AI in an effective, ethical, and transparent way. At the same time, we must continue to maintain academic integrity and AI misuse will only add to the fundamental challenges we face in this endeavour. Whilst we should continue to screen for academic misconduct, we should address the root causes of it, through developing a culture of academic integrity, through open discussions with our students about the appropriate and inappropriate uses of AI tools.  

Student guidance is also available through this sway - Academic Integrity and AI: Guidance for Students


Support resources and information

Artificial Intelligence at Coventry University Group Development Day - 13th June 2024

  •  Resources and recordings - Recordings and slides from the AI at Coventry University Group Development Day have been collated on this page.

Teaching Knowledge Base articles

External resources