Staff interested in this category may be:

Experienced staff demonstrating impact and influence.

As a rough guide Senior Fellowship is most appropriate for staff who have been teaching in Higher Education for more than approximately six years on a full time basis with approximately three years experience of leading and or supporting staff learning.  (e.g. Managers, Course Directors of 3 or more years standing or experienced academics supporting other members of staff in a variety of different ways) Senior Fellowship may also be appropriate for some Professional Services staff.

Registration on Aula

Please follow the Link to register on the OA: AdvanceHE : Applying for Professional Accreditation Aula. Please use your staff email account and enroll as a student.

Enrol on the Aula space here

Click this link to view the Aula page

How to submit via Aula

Firstly submit your application form to Turnitin and then submit your application form and the Digital Receipt from Turnitin along with the other documentation to Handin.