Ian Upton, Short Course Leader, introduces the course.

About the module

Aimed at those new to teaching in Higher Education, 7010CRB is a module designed to develop the skills, experience and knowledge required to facilitate best-practice student learning experiences.

7010CRB is a 20-credit, postgraduate-level, module leading to professional recognition as an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).

Who is this module for?

7010CRB is suitable for anyone involved with facilitating student learning within Coventry University. This includes: Hourly Paid Lecturers, Associate Lecturers, Graduate Teaching Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Postgraduate Researchers, Technicians, Learning Technologists, Librarians, Employability Tutors, and anyone with current and ongoing responsibility in supporting teaching and learning.

Eleanor talks about her 7010CRB experience...

Roxi talks about her 7010CRB experience...

Entry requirements.

Applicants must hold a first degree, or equivalent, and be able to undertake postgraduate study alongside their normal job role.

As a practical, work-based learning module, applicants need to have an active and current role supporting students in teaching, learning and assessment within the University.

How do I apply?

Coventry University Staff
To apply for the 7010CRB short course as a staff member,  please check this resource which describes staff requirements to join our course,  along with an application form.

Coventry University Postgraduate Researchers (PGR's)
To apply for the 7010CRB short course as a postgraduate researcher,  please check this resource which describes the PGR requirements to join our course, along with an application form.

We run 7010 in September,  January and May.

If you have any questions about this short course,  please contact Academic Development at aepd@coventry.ac.uk.