Get published! Call for teaching and learning case studies

Many of you enhance your students’ experiences with insightful and engaging sessions and we want to showcase your good practice in a new eBook called Teaching and Learning Excellence: The Coventry Way.

We’re inviting you to be a staff contributor for this publication which will be launched at the Teaching and Learning Conference in June.

Some of you may have been doing innovative teaching for some time and may not realise that what you do has great value for all of us. Others may have tried and tested new teaching methods more recently. Whatever you’re doing, regardless of subject discipline, we can all benefit from hearing about it.

The case studies for this book will be an open access resource for CUG staff who want to explore good teaching practice and we really welcome interest across all campuses. The publication will also be available on general release. Have a look at the overview of what we're looking for here.

We’re all busy and we know you’re not able to commit too much time just now, but have a think about it and get in touch. As well as getting a publication to your name, you’ll be helping all of us to think about how we can translate your case studies to our own subject areas –  offering a reflective springboard to innovative teaching.

If you’re interested in contributing, or just want to know a little more, please email me. I can talk you through what’s involved and how we can support you throughout the process. The deadline for drafts to me is 29th April, 2019. My email address is below.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you,

Claire Simmons, Academic Development, Email: