On the 13th June 2024 a development day on the use of Artificial Intelligence was run which featured external and institutional presentations along with discussion panels.  The event, which included a morning and afternoon programme of activity was attended by over 130 staff. 

This page pulls together presentations and recordings from the event.

Morning Programme

09:30 - 09:35     Introduction to the day – Martin Jenkins / Irene Glendinning

09:35 - 10:15     Keynote 1: Thomas Lancaster, Imperial College London:  Academic Integrity in 2024 


10.20 - 11.00     Keynote 2: Robin Crockett, University of Northampton: Why AI-text detectors are a bad idea - although very good mathematics

11:00 - 11:30     Panel discussion

Afternoon Programme

13.00 - 13.10     Introduction - Martin Jenkins / Irene Glendinning

13.10 – 13.30    Alun Owen & Luis A. Sanchez: sigma and AI in mathematics and statistics support.  [slides]


13.30 – 13.50    Ambrose Cole: CU Online, Content reformatting with AI [downloads ppt]


13.50 - 14.10     David Ashworth: What is GenAI [slides]


14.10 - 14.30     Thomas Clifton & Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams:  Developing CAW’s Workshop Offer to Support the Use of AI Tools in Student Writing [slides]


14.30 – 14.35    Break

14.35 – 14.55    Irene Glendinning: Academic integrity and academic conduct [slides]


14.55 - 15.15     Oliver Atkins-Wood & Peter Harrison: Curriculum development in the age of AI [slides]


15.15 – 16.00     Panel [Recording]