Insights into students' digital experiences

A new report has been published by Jisc on students' digital experiences. 

Over 20,000 students from 28 UK universities participated in the digital experience insights survey, which was conducted between October 2019 and May 2020.

HE digital experience insights survey 2020 report cover


The report revealed that students were generally satisfied with the quality of organisational provision, and with the use of technology in teaching and learning. However, it also highlighted several areas for improvement, including: 

- digital inequality for those students who do not have access to devices and services;

- the need for more support for students to develop digital capabilities and confidence; and  

- limited uptake of collaborative online activities, especially in the context of remote teaching. 

The report shares key findings from the survey, as well as guidance on how universities can address issues raised.

Full details, and downloadable copies of the report, are available via the Jisc website