Points to consider

  • Make sure that your staff card is programmed so that you can get into the teaching rooms. You line manager will need to contact access control to arrange this.
  • Ensure that you are able to log in to the network, with your CU Group user name and password. Do you have access to the file sharing system used in your School or Faculty? Again, check with your line manager.
  • Be clear on how you will manage classroom etiquette, e.g. students arriving late, using their phones; eating in class. Different teachers have different attitudes, but it is important to be consistent and set clear expectations from the beginning of the course.
  • Be aware that students are required to “tap in” to the Touchpoint system when they arrive- see the "Attendance Monitoring" page for more details.
  • There may also be a need for some courses (such as those funded by the NHS) to take written registers- check with your line manager.
  • Do you know how to use the facilities within the classroom? Teaching rooms should have instructions on how to operate the computer and screen.
  • Are you able to rearrange the room layout if it will support the learning outcomes for your session? This is not always possible (e.g. if in a lecture theatre), but you might want to move chairs into a horseshoe formation, for example.
  • If you are in a teaching room and need immediate assistance with IT/AV equipment then contact IT Services.
  • At the Coventry University campus IT Services can be reached on 024 7765 6667 (extension 656667 from an internal phone) for emergency teaching and learning support.
  • Colleagues teaching at other campuses should note the telephone number for their local IT support team. Ask your line manager if you are unsure.
  • Be sure that you know who to call in the event of an emergency (e.g. if a student needs medical attention).​
  • ​​At the Coventry University campus the Protection Service’s emergency hotline is 024 7765 8555 (extension 5555 on internal phones).
  • Colleagues teaching at other campuses should note the telephone number for their local campus security team; again, ask your line manager if you are unsure.