Government launch new EdTech Strategy

The new strategy, the first since 2005, does come across as technologically deterministic and has a strong focus on the EdTech industry.  It does highlight five opportunities where it believes activity should be focused:

  • adminstrative processes - this reinforces recent messages which has seen investment in technology being on efficiency savings (see UCISA TEL Surveys -
  • assessment processes - making it more effective and efficient - this is an area where there is some scope and the new assessment regulations will help support this
  • Teaching practices - supporting access, inclusion and improved educational outcomes - not to be argued with but does need to be learning led
  • Continued professional development - supporting teachers so they can develop more flexibly - an important issue which has likely contributed to impact of technology across the sector, awareness of the potential of technologies needs to be part of this. 
  • Learning throughout life - gaining skills for now and the future - There is a need to develop digital capabilities more broadly

EdTech strategy available at