Pedagogy meets operational needs

Module Summary  
Module M37MKT Marketing Communications

Module Leader

Lara Chaplin
Cohort size 349
Staff : student ratio

Lectures  1 : 349

Seminars 1: 35

For this Level 7 MSc Module students attend weekly 1-hour lectures followed by 2-hour interactive seminars. The module aims to offer students an authentic learning experience, where in addition to the disciplinary knowledge that is delivered through the lectures, the students check their understanding and apply it to authentic learning experiences during the seminars. The students are assigned in ‘Marketing teams’ during week 1 and work together for a project to meet the needs of a live external client. The virtual nature of the module ensures that lectures don’t need to be repeated for multiple groups of students, and hence all students have an equitable experience and consistent message delivered directly by the module leader.

The design of this module ensures that Engageli is used to deliver active, social, inclusive and applied learning experiences for the students. Open the below accordions to find out how:


During the large cohort lectures, activities such as polls, quizzes, and the use of thumbs up/down can directly engage students with the use of a single platform. This enables the lecturer to monitor student engagement but also check students understanding in real time.


The module aims to support students to develop those necessary skills for working remotely in teams. Engageli platform enables students to work on their projects in Tables, while the lecturer can continue to monitor the engagement of each team and each member of the team. Tables are renamed based on each team’s name, so in all sessions students are able to engage with the same group of students and work collaboratively to achieve their team’s objectives.  If students, require the support of the lecturer, they can always invite them to their table. As the module progresses each marketing team will be sharing their output with the rest of the teams in the course for peer- and tutor-feedback.  Working in teams remotely gives students who are sometimes yet to get to the UK a sense of belonging to the university from the beginning of the course.

*Some of the work required for this module is also taking place on Microsoft Teams, where students can store and collaboratively work on their project documents. However, the lecturer will remain on Engageli during the seminar sessions, and students can join if they require additional support.


With large cohorts, it can be challenging for students to feel comfortable in asking questions in front of a large audience. However, in this module this is overcome by students utilising both the Q&A and the chat option; enabling even the more reserved students to participate.

The availability of the recording of the sessions, enables students to further enhance their learning and consolidate their knowledge, by revisiting all available material by week 9 of the semester in preparation for their final assessment in week 12.


This module is taking advantage of connections with external clients to enable the students to develop a proposal that meets the needs of their clients. Engageli enables that by allowing external guests to join the live sessions. Sstudents learn to work  in remote environment that prepares them for today's work place. 

Top tips for large cohorts with group projects in Engageli

Top tips

  1. When dealing with large cohorts ensure that opportunities for active engagement are included through short activities such as polls, quizzes, or thumbs up.

  2. If your module contains group work, consider renaming the tables so students can always join their team for each session, both for lectures and seminars.

  3. Watch in real time the engagement of your students in their teams, and intervene by joining their table if you see that team-members are not participating to offer further guidance and support.