These three questions in the MEQ cover the resources available to students, including their online learning platform, library and IT.

Please click on the questions below for guidance.

How well has the content on the online learning platform (such as Aula, Moodle or Future Learn) supported your learning?


  • Consider performing an online learning platform audit to identify areas that can be further improved.  
  • Contact the relevant teams (CU online) for up-to-date guidance of best use of the learning platforms.  
  • Consider adding relevant guidance for your students in your learning platforms.

Recommended Resources 

How well have the library resources (such as books, online services) supported your learning?


  • Consider performing a review of guidance for students that signpost to library resources.  
  • Consider reviewing the reading lists available to your students. .  
  • Contact the relevant teams (Library services) for up-to-date guidance of best use of the library resources and include them within the online teaching spaces. 

Recommended Resources 

Contact your local library team to: 

  • Review module guidance on library resources to ensure these match student need.  
  • Ensure information skills are embedded into your module to support students. 
  • Review reading lists to ensure they are supporting the learning objectives of the module. 
  • Ensure Library guides are embedded into your online teaching spaces to ensure self-directed student discovery of appropriate resources and support.  

Coventry University – Lanchester Library 

Coventry University London 

Coventry University Vauxhall 

Coventry University Wroclaw 

CU Group Libraries  

Library Guides:  

Contact details for guidance/reading list/information skills support: 


How well have the IT resources and facilities (such as wifi, software and equipment) supported your learning?


  • Consider performing a review of guidance for students that signpost to IT services.  
  • Consider reporting those issues directly to your Digital Services Delivery Manager.  They will also be able to provide up-to-date guidance in relation to available resources and facilities.  

Recommended Resources