These two questions in the MEQ cover the relevance and depth of the learning content within the module.

Please click on the questions below for guidance.

To what extend have you gained knowledge or experience relevant to your course in this module?


  • Consider as a module team how you are linking the content of your module to authentic experiences and to other modules within the course? 
  • Consider whether the students have been given sufficient opportunities to apply the new knowledge in authentic situations.  

Recommended Resources 

  • Email for Curriculum Development Team support or to arrange bespoke workshops with Academic Development Team. 

To what extend have you had the chance to explore ideas and concepts in depth?


  • As a module team consider how your module aligns with the Active, Social, Inclusive and Applied course principles? Could you create more opportunities for the students to engage with more in depth explorations of the concepts? 

Recommended Resources 

  • Email for Curriculum Development Team support or to arrange bespoke workshops with Academic Development Team.