• Curriculum Development

    Curriculum Development

    AEPD's Curriculum Development subunit provides support for academics across the University Group in curriculum building and design. The team offer expertise in assessment design, course development and review, as well as quality enhancement, and can support you with your journey through the Curriculum Transformation Project. 

    Image: Rodolfo Clix, pexels.com

  • Academic Development

    Academic Development

    The Academic Development subunit within AEPD supports course and module teams with teaching, learning and assessment practices, design and delivery, embedding active learning pedagogies throughout. This includes opportunities for Professional Development and sharing practice, plus the Course Quality Enhancement & Monitoring (CQEM) process. 

    Image: Min An, pexels.com

  • Developing Our Teaching

    Developing Our Teaching

    The subunit focused on Developing Our Teaching supports University Group staff with gaining Advance HE recognition, as well as delivering the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in HE (PgCAPHE). The team also oversee the University Group’s teaching observation scheme, and provide bespoke and bite-sized development activities, with a focus on active learning. 

    Image: Christina Morillo, pexels.com

  • Nano Conferences

    Nano Conferences

    Our ongoing series of Nano Conferences focus on sharing great practice and fresh ideas related to teaching, learning and assessment. With contributions from students, colleagues and external speakers, these short sessions are designed to fit into your busy schedule. 

    Learn more about our Nano Conferences and forthcoming dates. 

    Image: Polina Zimmerman, pexels.com

  • Development Narratives

    Development Narratives

    Help your career to take off with our Development Narratives! Find out what kind of development activities are recommended for your kind of job role.

    Image: pixabay, pexels.com

What we do...

We’re here to support, guide and develop staff across all areas of academic life here in the Coventry University Group. We offer workshops, bespoke advice and training to enable you to give your students an enriching learning experience.

Whatever you need, we can help. Click on any of the tabs above to find ‘first glance’ support and let us know if you have something specific that we can help with. Our About Us page tells you more about the team and our activities. 

Explore this site to find resources, templates and external links that give you good practice guidelines and ideas. To contact us for more information, click here.


To browse events and workshops, click here.

To book a session, click here