Any significant changes to the information given about students at enrolment should be passed on to the relevant Registrar ASAP, so that records may be kept up to date, appropriate internal action initiated and outside bodies informed as necessary.

Please note that it is a student’s responsibility to notify the University of their withdrawal at the point of leaving the course by completing a withdrawal form and submitting this to the relevant Registry Office.  All course and module changes must take place by the close of business of the Monday of teaching week.


Step 1: The Course Director for the course on which the student is enrolled is responsible for checking the Amendment to Enrolment Form and returning it to the relavant Registrar for authorisation.  In cases of internal transfers the Course Director releasing the student should obtain the signature of the Course Director of the course that the student is transferring to.

Step 2: The student’s signature should be obtained, if this is possible.

Step 3: The relevant Registrar is responsible for securing the consequent modification of all central records and informing the Finance Office, via UNIVERSE, so that any financial adjustments can be made. The Registrar also notifies, on behalf of the University, any external bodies concerned.

Permanent or Temporary Withdrawal

Step 1: The Course Director for the course on which the student is enrolled is responsible for checking the Complete Withdrawal Form and sending it to the relevant Registrar.  Overseas students MUST be referred to the International Office for guidance on the visa implications of temporary withdrawal/interruption of study. The date of withdrawal will be taken as the date when the form is authorised by the Registrar.

Step 2: The student’s signature should be obtained, if this is possible.

Step 3: The relevant Registrar is responsible for securing the consequent modification of all central records. The Registrar also notifies, on behalf of the University, any external bodies concerned, as well as circulating confirmation e-mail notices to internal Departments.